Why You Need to Contact an Attorney After an Accident

Car accidents happen, especially in Fort Lauderdale, but why do you need a personal injury lawyer afterward? There are various reasons, and all are important.

It’s essential you get an experienced accident attorney to stand for your rights and guide you throughout this ordeal, especially if it leads to litigation and later to trial. Counsel will assist in preserving evidence through pictures, obtaining video footage if any exists, collecting witness statements, and communicating and negotiating with insurance companies on your claim.

The insurance companies have many attorneys, attorneys who handle claims just like yours dozens of times each day. You need a personal injury attorney to represent you, who also handles injury claims dozens of times each day. They would rather deal with you than a personal injury lawyer with years of practice because it makes it easier for adjusters to take advantage of the situation. Insurance companies send investigators to crashes and to contact witnesses. Insurance companies will call you after the crash to get your confidence in order to manipulate the situation for their benefit. Oftentimes, they’ll even say they can help you directly, and that you don’t need a lawyer, all in an effort to proceed without legal representation to limit your entitled payout. They may even persuade you to not file a claim and leaving you to suffer the consequences for which they’re accountable.

Having a knowledgeable lawyer on your side makes a big difference. Retaining a skilled team who is experienced in handling automobile accidents, truck accidents, commercial vehicle accidents, and tractor-trailer accidents is important to be able to be fully compensated for your claim. Some attorneys settle cases out of fear or lack of understanding, but Thompson Legal, PA, maximizes our clients’ recovery by litigating a high percentage of our cases. It takes time and effort to pursue a claim, time some representatives are unwilling to spend. 

At Thompson Legal, PA, our attorneys take the time to study our clients and their claims. This helps us inform you of the legal process as it relates to your case, so you know what’s happening and we’re in a better position to serve.  Our attorneys care about our clients and obtaining the best results.

If you or a loved one suffered injury or harm as a result of an accident, please call us for a free case evaluation. We would be happy to investigate your claim and allow justice to be served.

Get a free consultation from Thompson Legal. Give us a call at (954) 510-3366 to schedule an appointment or fill out the contact form and a representative will be in contact.

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